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Jesse Humphry
The AI Bubble Is Getting Ridiculous
Artificial Intelligence has been around for as long as video games needed to simulate the inhabitants of a world. Their purpose in that...
Jesse Humphry
Why I Hate the Metaverse
Warning: This opinion post will contain political language that you may find disagreeable or perhaps even hypocritical. Please note that...
Jesse Humphry
Why Aren't Video Games Fun Anymore?
It's a question that's popped up in my own mind a few times since I left my early 20s behind. It's also been posited online in more that...

Jesse Humphry
Adding Custom Classes to Editor Context Menu
One of the most powerful things I've done so far is adding some custom classes I made for my personal project, Orbital: Space Rogues,...

Jesse Humphry
Developing Indicators for Puzzle Designer
Hello all! Today we're going to be looking a bit more at how we can leverage editor-only functionality to give our puzzle designer a bit...

Jesse Humphry
Abstracting the UE5 MetaSound
In this post, we'll build on our previous work from Diving into UE5 MetaSounds, where we left off with a functional, but inefficient and...

Jesse Humphry
Diving into UE5 MetaSounds
Today, we're going to jump into one of the new features of Unreal Engine 5: MetaSounds. MetaSounds are the UE5 "replacement" for typical...

Jesse Humphry
User Interaction
The world inside of a video game only captures a player if it feels responsive, and user interaction is a key part of that process. In...

Jesse Humphry
Nativizing the Timer Component
One of the biggest initial hurdles for me as a developer was taking Blueprint-scripted components I'd developed and nativizing them in...

Jesse Humphry
Deep Dive: Memory Management in Blueprints II
After the first bout of tests, I had more questions about casting and the effects it might have on loading and memory.

Jesse Humphry
Deep Dive: Memory Management in Blueprints
I wanted to understand more about how casting affects memory through Blueprints. This post is the result of the first set of tests.

Jesse Humphry
Custom Component: Timer Behavior
I discuss the custom timer component I developed to give timer-based behavior to any actor I wanted in my personal project, Escape Fracture.

Jesse Humphry
Volatile Keys
This entry showcases how I developed a volatile key for my person project, Escape Fracture.
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